Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tracking my MINI Countryman :: The Weather in the Atlantic!

While tracking our car from factory to the dealer is quite a fun experience, it is not as relaxing as simply waiting for a phone call from your MA telling us that our car is ready. It can also be very harmful to our well-being and bring unnecessary frustration to our lives. Case in point, the Wave map. The above image illustrates the wave height around the world, and the wave in part of northern Atlantic ocean is crazy high... up to 26ft! This is certainly a cause for concern to those of us whose cars are aboard the Auriga Leader that is currently sailing through the Atlantic. While the weather in the deep sea can be very unpredictable, I am hoping our captain Eugen State will sail the ship through a safer, less treacherous path! Thanks for awesome tip GeorgeH!!

[ Source  :: wunderground ]

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