Friday, April 22, 2011

Behind look at the journey from a factory to owner's home : Jay Leno's Jaguar XJ

As I am anxiously waiting for the arrival of my own MINI Countryman, I am finding myself crossing out each calender day leading toward the day of delivery! I also look for stuff online almost everyday to find anything that's relevant to topic to keep my 'sanity'. Few days ago, I encountered an interesting article at Motor Trend magazine's website, taking an insider look at Jay Leno's new Jaguar XJ's long journey from its factory to his home. While my MINI would not get the star treatment the XJ received, it provide a good insight of how my MINI's journey from the factory in Graz, Austria to its new home, Los Angeles, would likely be. Follow the link to Motor Trend's website for the complete story. Read more for photos from Motor Trend.

[ Source :: Motor Trend ]

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