Thursday, April 28, 2011

MINI Marketing :: MINI Getaway Stockholm. Location based social gaming!

Last November, MINI created tons of buzz at various social media outlets and blogspheres around the globe with their "Getaway Stockholm 2010" campaign set up to promote the new Countryman. This location-based marketing campaign asked everyone with iPhone in Stockholm city (Sweden) to be part of a social gaming experience, a game of cat and mouse that is, for a chance to win a real MINI Countryman! In the end, over 11,000 people participated and virtual MINI traveled 1500 physical kilometers, with an average gaming time of 5 hours 6 minutes per person! I think this was a really cool, brilliant marketing event that created tons of MINI evangelists and made Stockholm city as a living reality game board. Imagine seeing bunch of people running around the streets holding the iPhone, all chasing virtual MINI and one another! Great publicity stunt and ever-so important 'Social' experiment went viral instantly!

Unfortunately, the game is over (We do have Wanderlust campaign to participate!), but you can watch videos after the jump that documented the event.

[ Source : MINI Getaway Stockholm via Youtube ]

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