Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tracking my MINI Countryman :: Volans Leader in the range!! Getting close to Port Hueneme

Volans Leader, carrying my original ordered MINI and assortment of MINI, BMW, Jaguar, Land Rover, and other cars, is back in the range of tracking at! Since it left Panama, the ship was not trackable as AIS based system can only track 30-60NM from land based AIS stations. You can still track deep sea vessels, but it would need either a station to be based on an Offshore platform or a Satellite to track them. Volans Leader is currently off the coast of Baja California, heading toward Port of Hueneme with estimated arrival date of April 28. Now, I have a good idea on what to expect in terms of for our star vessel, Auriga Leader - it should appear in the range sometime today or tomorrow near Cristobal, Panama.

Volans Leader is currently approx 30 mile out on the ocean from Rancho Palos Verdes (As of 11:34 PM PST). Should arrive at Port of Hueneme in a few hours.

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