Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tracking my MINI Countryman :: Auriga Leader has passed Gatun Locks in Panama

Boy, I was wrong! Our star vessel, Auriga Leader has already went through the first passage, Gatun Locks, about 3 hours ago, at around 11 AM UTC. It went all sneaky on us as it did not dock at port of Cristobal and went straight through the Gatun in the middle of the night! According to, it still notes the destination as Cristobal! As it is already on the move in Lago Gatun, with cruising speed of 10 knots, it will most likely reach the second passage, Miraflores Locks, sometime today. It is noted it could take up to 9 hours to go through the entire passage. However, if you do not want to miss out on seeing the Auriga Leader passing Miraflores docks through the webcam, it will be wise to check the position of the ship throughout the day. Thanks Mark for exiting image above!

[ Source :: Marinetraffic | Panama Canal authority ]

1 comment:

  1. So, we now know it took about 12 hours for the Auriga Leader to pass through from Atlantic to Pacific, according to Marine Traffic. From 04:04 to 16:33 by their way of keeping track.
