Thursday, May 26, 2011

Living with MINI :: my MINI Countryman photoshoot on Pico Blvd

A few days ago, I did mini-photoshoot of my Surf Blue MINI Countryman after work on the streets of Pico Blvd in Rancho Park area. As my lens has some issues shooting wide angle, and limitation of moving traffic on the street, I had a lot of fun shooting details of MINI Countryman. The more I look and study the design of Countryman, the more I appreciate the well designed Countryman. Well balanced proportion, great stance, and subtle surface details such as flaring rear fender, light catcher right above the rocker, not to mention all the neat graphic details throughout make the Countryman such a joy to look at every single time. And yeah, Surf Blue color truly kicks ass! Check out the photo set on CountrymanMotoring's Flickr


  1. Hi Aaron~~
    The shots of the CM on Pico are truly outstanding! The lights, reflections, and traffic add the dynamics and quality of the images. One image, the soft focus shot of the top of the center dash pod is especially note worthy. Being an Industrial Designer, I have to agree with you that the attention to detail, and fit and finish of the car is another credit to the CM.

  2. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed them. ID? Really cool~ I am in ID as well.
