Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MINI Quality :: Countryman's chrome trim peeling off after 7 days!?

It is every owner's nightmare to take a delivery of a brand spanking new car MINI, then finding an irritating quality problem only after 7 days of ownership. Unfortunately, that's precisely what have happened to a new Countryman owner, Brad a.k.a bradrulz, who've posted about this huge disappointment on NorthAmericanMotoring. He wrote

"I just noticed below the rear window and the adjacent windows that the chrome trim below the windows are peeling pretty bad. Looks as if they use chrome tape for this. One section is peeled about 3-inches. Looks like this will be my first warranty claim."

This should be rather embarrassing issue to MINI and its manufacturing partner Magna Styer as Countryman is a brand new model with high expectations and this type of quality control issue is certainly avoidable.

What's even more troubling is the fact that Brad's case doesn't seem to be an isolated issue. Another owner going by MINITURIZE also complained a similar issue

"Well, I took a look at the chrome molding in the same location as yours & I can definitely see a slight separation from the molding at the end cap. The end of the chrome tape is exposed. Could be problematic. BUMMER!I compared this to the same area on my R53 & that molding is assembled very well. no separation what so ever & seems to be of higher quality. Unfortunately, I can foresee the chrome tape of CM molding eventually coming up. I'm going to point this out to my MA & service rep next time I'm at the dealer. "

Then that's not all. Another owner, Syck297, reported a short chrome tape issue.

"I picked my car up on May 17th and just noticed a defect on the chrome on the passenger side next to the boot. You would think someone would of seen this somewhere between the factory and the dealership. The chrome isn't peeling, it is short. I send a message to my MA today to see what can be done. Here are a couple of photos. They show both ends of that trim piece. "

Fortunately, all these issues should be covered by the new car warranty for the respective owners. However, this kind of quality control issue is unexceptable and should have been addressed at the factory before being delivered to a customer - especially troubling for a supposed 'premium' brand made/owned by 'premium' brand charging 'premium' price.  

What also strikes as a big surprise/disappointment is the fact that Countryman's Chrome trim is simply a thin stripe of chrome tape put on to a plastic trim with adhesive, not even wrapped around. While this may actually be quite normal practice these days for non-premium cars, I certainly didn't realize that and I will now have to look closely at all the cars out there.

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to run to my Countryman and do a thorough inspection!

[ Source :: North American Motoring ]


  1. Patrick - O H I OJune 7, 2011 at 3:56 PM

    Yeah, I made your blog. Syck2972, that's me! COOL! Rather it be for something else. :(

    A couple of days after I posted those photos the other side is having the same problem. Looks like a bad batch of rear quarter panel trim. Bad glue? I will be stopping by my MINI dealership tomorrow afternoon so the service guy can have a look at it.

  2. Patrick. Thanks for sharing and yeah, it is very unfortunate to hear this issue is happening to you and few other owners. At least, MINI/Dealer should take care of this problem.

    I'd be much happier to have you on CountrymanMotoring for something else as well! (Perhaps you will be interested in MINIprofile?)

    Please keep us posted with updates on your visit to MINI dealership!


  3. I had noticed about a week ago the tape was coming up and this morning i it was actually peeled up AND so is the strip under the windshield! it's about 1/2 an inch shorter on each end. i cannot believe i paid over 40k for this vehicle and they put a cheap tape on plastic. i am disgusted.

  4. Mine has done the same. I'm now on my third set of trim. MINI explained that they did not account for the high heat that is plaguing the US this summer. The heat causes the chrome tape to shrink and become dislodged. Good news is they have retooled the pieces and replace free of charge. Takes less than an hour to replace all.

  5. We have the same problem. It may be an hour to replace, but we are going on four weeks before the "parts" arrive.

  6. I just bought my countryman in May and today I found the same thing! To put it mildly, I am angry. I have already posted a complaint on the mc website, and I will be contacting my local dealership tomorrow morning. No excuses are acceptable. Yes it's hot (we've had 41 days of 100+ degree heat here in OK this summer), but if these strips were real metal pieces instead of cheap sticker tape, it would not have been a problem. In fact, it's not a problem on my husband's Ford. And who's to say that the extreme winter weather (ice-snow-scraping) won't cause these cheap crappy tape strips to peel??

  7. Bought one in May and have this problem with all trim around windows. Dealer told me MINI is working on a solution. NO expected resolution date.

  8. Have had the same issue with my Mini Countryman. Bought it on a Monday, noticed it on Friday. What makes me more ill, is that they obiovusly let me drive it off the lot like that! My "new, improved 'silver sticker'" has been ordered and expected within a couple of weeks. They began telling me they can "only replace what is peeling." I refused to listen to that and they are replacing the entire trim 'sticker' trim for my car. Hot weather? that is ridiculous - I live in NC, there are a LOT warmer summers elsewhere. It must just be falling off the Minis in Florida! I am glad they are replacing it, but i am amazed at the poor quality BMW has supported. My opinion, they should replace the 'sticker' with real chrome. This is not a KIA, Mazda, etc...

  9. I have had the same issue. I picked up my mini in July. I week after my trim started peeling. They replaced the trim. Within a week the new piece started to peel. When I contacted the dealer they told me they were aware of the issue. It was not an isolated issue and that they were working on the problem. 2 months later, still nothing....

  10. Same issue here. The chrome "molding" (a.k.a tape) is peeling off on both the driver and passenger sides above the boot.

    I noticed the driver side problem right when I got home after taking delivery of my Countryman last month. *sigh*

    When I called the dealership, the salesman responded that several other cars had the same problem. This makes me wonder why closer attention was not paid to this known issue.

    I went to the dealership today to schedule an appointment to have the driver side trim fixed. When I was out by my Mini showing the problem to the service rep, I noticed the driver side trim bubbling up!

    Turns out that this is a known issue and the parts are back-ordered in Germany because of the number of these reported issues.

  11. I am having the same issue, I had my Countryman in for repair 2 weeks after purchase, they fixed the molding that was peeling. But now, all the other molding is peeling, that was not peeling before. I will be calling the dealership tomorrow. I agree...this is totally unacceptable for this vehicle. This part of the Mini is VERY cheap. I am sure MINI will take care of this situation, but it should not of happened to begin with.

  12. Bad passenger window trouble going up and down Been to the dealer six times.

  13. I just noticed it on mine too. At least it's not an isolated incident. I mean, I think with it being more common, there should be a solution. I thought perhaps that it happened at the car wash. Now I know.

  14. At least my dealer told me about the problem before I took delivery. Doesn't make it look any better, but I feel better about the experience. This is a killer for referrals and future purchases.

  15. Nice, and thanks for sharing this info with us.
    Good Luck!

    Rent Mini

  16. I'm having trouble with Ralph Schomp Mini in Denver replacing my peeling chrome. They are a terrible dealership. They are telling me to contact MINIUSA to get my chrome replaced. Anyone heard of this?

  17. I have the same issue with my front door handles (both). The chrome bubbled and peeled off.

  18. My dealer in Michigan said Mini doesn't have a fix for this issue.....is this true? Hey Mini..I'm using chrome colored duck tape because I would rather have a chrome look than nothing!!

  19. My trim started peeling off in July 2011, less than 2 months after pickup. I've been calling MINI USA every month on this and they say they are "working on it". I told them this is affecting our decision to buy another MINI when our old Cooper is ready for replacing. When you pay over $30,000 for a car, you want it to be nice for at LEAST a year. All I can offer is EVERYONE that is experiencing this...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call MINI USA and complain. The more complaints they have, the more they will be forced to address this in a more timely manner.

  20. just discovered the chrome tape peeling on my 2011 countryman, passenger side near the boot. I payed $35K for this car. shocked. I feel the quality of this car is very low - you don't realize how cheap on the test drive, only after you've had it for a couple of weeks :(

  21. Is there now a fix for the issue? Our Countryman All4 has now come down with Chrome Tape Disease.

  22. Can't recommend the countryman - too many cheap design flaws. It starts with the lame cup holders(which really don't hold anything close to a cup) and now my "trim"is coming off. Who thought using some cheap tape was a good idea???

  23. my mini had this problem after about a year, i will be taking it to the dealer soon, if this happens to your mini and it is under waranty, get it fixed quickly! i love my countrymkan and hate seeing it's trim peel off!

  24. Someone that can confirm Mini is fixing it under warranty ?
