Friday, August 12, 2011

MINI Connected / Navigation shortage coming to an end

Due to certain parts shortage directly caused by Japanese Tsunami, ordering MINI Connected with/with out Navigation was unavailable for past few month. (Reported Back in May) Now, good folks at MotoringFile is reporting that such constraint is ending as of August production. This is surely a welcome news to those who delayed their MINI order because of it and new shoppers looking to order one. So don't miss out on the good stuff and order one!

[ Source :: MotoringFile ]


  1. Quick post about this... IT'S BACK ON! I was told that our MINI that we just ordered was the last MINI to clear through before they put the constraints back into place. Now you can't order MINI Connected :(

  2. I had my Coupe delayed for three weeks due to the shortage, week 36 to week 39. Here is to hoping week 39 is on :-)
