Thursday, September 1, 2011

Living with MINI :: my Countryman's Chrome Tape FAIL

Yup. It happened at last. The chrome molding tape along DLO (Day Light Opening in designer's term) of my Countryman has started peeling. It has been a known issue (first reported case was back in June) and while I wasn't too surprised to see it, it was quite a sad moment I must say. Use of chrome tape is quite cheap enough, but seeing it peel in person in my own Countryman was quite a letdown.
The molding on the driver side rear quarter window is victim. The peeling happens on the top edge of the tape. Once I noticed, I tried to peel it a bit more just to see how strong the adhesive would be, which only caused wrinkles on the tape along with a small cut. It is glued on quite strong, so I must wonder how it came off in the first place.

 However, that is not the only location. I've also noticed the tape at the edge of the bonnet also 'shrunk', showing its embarrassing white skin behind.

Unfortunately, MINI is still working on the permanent fix for this issue and the only solution dealer can offer at this time is replacing it with same application - cheap chrome tape over white, bare plastic molding. Even then.. my dealer did not have any in stock.. so, the embarrassingly peeled tape is.. part of Countryman Motoring for the time being.

On the flip side... Dealer wanted to see the problem so I had a MINI Cooper Convertible as a loaner overnight! More on that later...


  1. Bummer! I wish you had not mentioned the shrinking tape as I just did a close inspection of the DLO trim chrome tape on Grasshopper and I too have the problem. It is happening on the long strips of the tape, e.g., the DLO trim on the bonnet, exposing the white plastic at each end. After 3 months, it looks like the first trip back to the dealer is in order....

  2. Yup.. quite a bummer, Chuck. I'd like to get some official response from MINI regarding this issue... time to write/call MINI!

  3. That stinks, Aaron. I've been reading about the problem on NAM. I should be getting my '12 CMS later this month, and I'm curious to find out if they changed anything about the chrome tape.

  4. Well, it happened to me, too. When I took my ALL4 to my local dealer to deal with a couple of issues, they noticed that the back five chrome strips had failed. They ordered replacements and replaced all but the left rear quarter panel - on long term back order.

  5. Can I ask which dealer you go to?
