Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MINI Sales Figures March 2013

MINI USA reported sales of 6,071 automobiles in March, an increase of 3.5 percent from the 5,866 sold in the same month a year ago.  Year-to-date, MINI sales in the U.S. are down 0.9 percent on volume of 14,055 compared to 14,180 in the first three months of 2012.

MINI Countryman continues to sell briskly as a second large volume model at 1,761 units sold, increase of 11.5% compared to same month last year. The new Paceman set its first month sales figure at 169 units. It will be interesting to see how Paceman performs in terms of sales and compared to other MINI models, especially Countryman. However, I think any cannibalization from Countryman will be relatively small as buyers like Countryman for its size and functionality of 4 doors. Also, Paceman is a niche model and will ultimately help MINI to increase its overall sales numbers rather than taking much sales from any other model.    

MINI Pre-Owned Vehicles
In March, sales of MINI used automobiles (including MINI NEXT certified pre-owned and pre-owned) increased 0.5 percent to 1,721 automobiles from the 1,713 sold in March, 2012.  January through March, MINI used vehicle sales are up 21.4 percent on volume of 4,846 compared to 3,991 in the same period of 2012

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